Hinagiku Frames in the First Hayate no Gotoku Ed

Hinagiku Frames in the First Hayate no Gotoku Ed

Alright, part 2 done.

Last time I talked about procrastination and making the first video as a way to procrastinate on my responsibilities.  Well one of the responsibilities I had to get done by this morning, so it took several days before I could work on the 2nd video, but it’s done now, so here we are.

This video also didn’t take that long to make, managed to do it in a few hours in 1 day.  Though now I have the first OP and ED done, so next time I’m going to start on actual anime scenes, and those will take much longer.  It also helps that Hina only appeared in a single 9 second shot during the ED animation, so it was more frames, but they were all back to back in one thing.  Though while that’s less work, it’s also just one image that pans upwards.  The next video will have more variety of Hina angles and stuff.

You may have noticed that the frames go by faster in this video, that’s because they do.  The OP only had 159 frames, but this one has 216 Hina frames.  It was actually kinda cool that it was exactly 9 seconds because 216 divided by 24 is 9.  But anyway, there was way more frames in the ED and the song itself was only about 5 seconds longer than the OP song, so I had to make the frame rate a little faster.  The OP video was 0.56 seconds per frame, but this one only had 0.44 seconds per frame, so each frame was up for less than half a second.  I also didn’t want to use the full ED song since then each frame would be up for way too long, so I didn’t have a middle ground unfortunately.  I could have also just had it stop mid song, but that would be weird, so I just let it be at a higher frame rate.

Btw I’ll link the ED song here in the middle of the post rather than at the end because I just remembered to do it and I’m to lazy to wait till the end to link it.

Also while I’m talking about EDs, I’m not there yet in this project, but I just wanted to point out that the first Hayate ED, Proof by MELL, isn’t bad, but I do personally like the 3nd ED, Chasse by Kaori Utatsuki, a lot more.  The “la la lun lun lun” in Chasse is so fun to listen to.

Back on topic, I noticed that some of the frames looked a little blurry for some reason, idk if it was the specific place I was using to get the frames or if they’re intentionally blurry or what, but I just left it anyway because I didn’t want to spend hours running around trying to figure it out.

Also I gotta say, this image of Hina sleeping while holding a teddy bear is so cute.  I wonder if there’s a full image out there somewhere?  The ED animation has it panning, so you can’t see it all at once.

Well, not much else to say about this, the next video will take longer to make, but yeah.

Also as a side note, I’m not going to write another post for the new Alya episode since I don’t have much to say about it (I probably do but am to lazy to write about it), so I’ll just put a few comments here.  Them doing a cover of Hare Hare Yukai in the ED for ep 4 was so unexpected and such a surprise.  More of a surprise than hearing Kawaikute gomen.  Hare Hare Yukai is such a fun song, I love it.  I don’t know how to do the dance though because I suck at dancing and feel cringy when I try dancing.  Them also making an Alya 3d model to do the Hare Hare Yukai dance on youtube was also insane.  Amazing marketing, I love it.

Well, that’s it for this post I guess.  Bye